发布时间:2021-07-16 00:00:00编辑:阅读()
15周年院庆标识正式发布 为迎接上海理工大学中英国际学院建院15周年院庆,凝聚师生、校友和社会力量,激发学院高质量发展活力,中英国际学院15周年院庆标识征集活动自2021年4月开启以来得到了社会各界的广泛关注和积极参与,共收到30余件来自师生、海内外校友及社会各界的投稿作品。经专家评审、学院研究决定,最终确定上海理工大学中英国际学院15周年院庆官方标识,现予以公布并正式启用。 15TH Anniversary
15th Anniversary of SBC-USST Logo 上海理工大学中英国际学院15周年院庆标识由学院Logo、学院全称和数字“15”组合而成,整体色系采用红、黄、蓝三色。标识以“上海理工大学中英国际学院Logo”为基本元素,数字“15”的书写采用中国传统书法艺术,体现学院15年来扎根中国大地,立足上海市中心,传递英式教育精髓,力创中外合作办学典范。数字“15”采用红色、黄色彩带的表现形式,舞动出学院建院15周年院庆祥和、喜庆、多元的热烈氛围。 我们珍视所有投稿者对中英国际学院发展的关心和支持,为所有投稿者准备了一份小小的纪念品略表我们的感激之心和祝福之情,并于近日陆续寄出。 随着中英国际学院院庆标识正式发布,学院15周年院庆筹备工作将陆续全面展开。筚路蓝缕事,栉风沐雨行。2021年金秋时节,上海理工大学中英国际学院将迎来建院15周年庆典,更多院庆系列活动将持续通过上海理工大学中英国际学院官网、官方微信公众号、微博等新媒体平台予以公布。2021也是上海理工大学建校115华诞之年,值此双重喜庆之际,我们谨向长期以来关心和支持学院建设和发展的各级领导、社会各界人士和海内外广大校友致以诚挚的感谢和崇高的敬意。我们热忱欢迎关心和支持学院发展的各级领导、海内外校友和社会各界人士届时拨冗莅临,共襄院庆盛典,共商发展大计,共绘美好未来。 上海理工大学中英国际学院15周年院庆标识归上海理工大学中英国际学院所有。未经学院同意或授权,任何单位及个人不得使用,包括但不限于经营、商业活动及非盈利活动等。 Since its launch in April 2021, our Logo Competition has drawn extensive attention and active participation from both professional and amateur designers. We received more than 30 submissions from teachers, students at home and abroad, and people from all walks of life. We are delighted by the support from all entrants.
After evaluation by the expert panel, the winner of the competition for the 15th Anniversary of SBC logo has been decided and announced for official use.
The main body of the new logo is based on our current SBC logo, in recognition of the past 15 years, which have witnessed the college’s taking root in Shanghai, delivering the best of British education, and modelling international cooperation in trans-national education. The calligraphic elements of the anniversary logo show the number "15" representing the theme of "The 15th Anniversary of the Founding of the Sino-British College of USST". The brushstrokes in the red and yellow colours of USST are balanced with the lines of the school badge to deliver a lively and joyful atmosphere for the 15th anniversary.
Preparations are currently underway for the 15th anniversary of the founding of the college. This autumn will witness the 15th anniversary celebration, including many interesting activities, to be announced through the college platforms such as its official website and social media channels. This year is also The 115th Anniversary of USST, and at this special time, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks and great respect to our leaders at all levels, alumni and students at home and abroad, and to people from all walks of life for their concern and support for the construction and development of our college. We welcome your presence at the 15th anniversary ceremony to enjoy the occasion and discuss the history and the bright future of the Sino-British College.
As originally announced, the copyrights of all submissions belongs to the Sino-British College, USST for their exclusive use. No organization or individual can use it without the express authorization of SBC. In appreciation of their efforts toward the development of the Sino-British College, unsuccessful entrants will be sent a souvenir as a token of thanks.
责任编辑 | 顾诗宜