







更新时间:2023-11-23 18:34:17
天府文化公园地处成都市东西、南北城市主轴交汇点,包括少城片区和皇城坝片区,东至东华门街,西至西郊河,南至君平街-西御街-东御街,北至东门街-羊市街-西玉龙街,是成都 2300 年建城史的发源地和历史文化原点。作为改变中心城区城市格局和重塑城市形态的牵引性工程,聚焦做优做强文化传承创新功能,着力打造世界文化名城的集中展示地、西部金融中心重要承载地、成都千年历史迭代的文化中心。Located at the intersection of the east-west and north-south axes of Chengdu City, the Tianfu Cultural Park covers the Shaocheng and Huangchengba areas, stretching from Donghuamen Street in the east to Xijiao River in the west, and from Junping Street-Xiyu Street-Dongyu Street in the south to Dongmen Street-Yangshi Street-Xiyulong Street in the north. This area is the birthplace and historical and cultural origin of Chengdu's 2,300-year history of urban construction. As a driving project to change the urban pattern of downtown area and reshape the urban form, the Tianfu Cultural Park focuses on optimizing and enhancing the cultural inheritance and innovation function, so as to build into a centralized demonstration place of the world famous cultural city, a key carrier of the Western financial center, and the cultural center of Chengdu’s thousand-year historical iteration.骡马市金融高端商务集聚区作为天府文化公园的重要组成部分,是成都金融业的两大核心集聚区之一。本项目位于骡马市金融高端商务集聚区内,为全面贯彻市委市政府加快推进“三个做优做强”的重点片区建设的工作部署,助力建设国家西部金融中心,推进城市有机更新,着力打造集聚城市重要公共服务功能的商办核心区,打造天府文化公园片区高端金融服务业与国际文化交流重要场所,特开展本次建筑概念方案国际征集,通过本次国际征集,汇聚全球智慧,高起点、高标准、高水平完善创意方案,提升项目整体品质及定位。As an essential part of the Tianfu Cultural Park, the Luomashi Financial and High-end Business Agglomeration Area is one of two core agglomeration areas of Chengdu’s financial industry. The Project is located within the Luomashi Financial and High-end Business Agglomeration Area. To comprehensively implement CPC Chengdu Committee’s and Chengdu Municipal People's Government’s work deployment of accelerating the construction of “three optimizations and enhancements” key areas, contribute to the construction of the national Western financial center, promote organic urban renewal, focus on building a commercial and business core area that gathers important urban public services functions, and create a significant place for high-end financial service industry and international cultural exchanges, this international solicitation of architectural concept schemes is hereby launched, aiming at gathering global intelligence, improving the design schemes with high starting point, high standards and high-level, enhancing the overall quality and orientation of the Project.一、征集人 Host 成都兴御河城市更新建设发展有限公司Chengdu Xingyuhe Urban Renewal and Construction Development Co., Ltd
二、资料索取 Acquisition of solicitation materials有意向的申请人以电子邮件形式发送征集资料索取申请至指定邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cn,策划服务单位收到后审核无误,将在一个工作日内回复发送工作规则及设计任务书等相关资料。Interested applicants should send the application form for acquisition of solicitation documents to the designated email: competition@ehow.net.cn. The planning service agency will reply and send the Design Brief and related design materials within one working day after receiving and reviewing the application form.征集资料索取申请表下载链接:
Download link to the application form for acquisition of solicitation documents:
三、征集联系Solicitation contact策划服务单位:深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司Planning service unit: Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center联系人:彭工联系电话:+86 13641432974(北京时间周一至周五9:00—18:00)联系邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cnContact person: Ms. PengContact phone number: +86 13641432974 (Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00 Beijing time)E-mail: competition@ehow.net.cn
四、项目信息Project information
4.1 项目名字Project name天府文化公园商务区西御河66亩项目(暂定)建筑概念方案国际征集International Solicitation of Architectural Concept Schemes for the Xiyu River 66-mu Project of Tianfu Cultural Park Business District (Tentative)
4.2 项目简况Project overview
4.2.1 项目区位Project location场地位于成都市青羊区骡马市地铁站旁,西侧紧临西华门街,南侧紧临西御河沿街,北侧紧邻城市主干路羊市街,东侧紧邻人民中路(城市中轴线)。Located next to Luomashi metro station, Qingyang District, Chengdu City, the site abuts Xihuamen Road to the west, Xiyuhe Street to the south, Yangshi Street (the city’s main trunk road) to the north, and Middle Renmin Road (the city’s central axis) to the east. 
Figure 1 Location diagram of the Project
地块西侧拟规划为高端商住融合街区(最终以政府审批文件为准),未来将自带良好的商业氛围及人居环境;南侧为规划在建的天府文化公园,景观资源优良,并向南形成绝佳的昭示性;北侧临近成都市第三人民医院,东侧为拟规划的高强度开发商业用地(容积率约10.5,最终以政府审批文件为准),以及在建的骡马市站点(四线换乘),公共交通发达便利。The plot is situated on the west side of a high-end commercial and residential block under planning (pending final government approval document) with a sound business atmosphere and living environment in the future; to its south lies the planned Tianfu Cultural Park under construction, which boasts stunning scenery resources and shapes excellent demonstration southward; it abuts the Chengdu Third People's Hospital to the north; on its east side are high-intensity development commercial land to be planned (with a plot ratio of around 10.5, pending final government approval document), and the Luomashi station (a four-line transfer station) currently under construction, offering developed and convenient public transportation. 
图2场地现状图Figure 2 Diagram of current site4.2.2 规划指标Planning indicators
4.2.3 征集内容Solicitation contents (1)概念方案设计:本次征集内容为天府文化公园商务区西御河66亩项目的建筑概念方案设计,包括本地块的建筑概念方案设计(含景观方案概念设计、公共区域的室内概念设计、泛光照明概念设计)及冯家大院回迁(6000平方米开敞空间)和西御河沿街62号民居设开放空间(西南侧设置用地面积不小于2512平方米的开敞空间)。(1)Concept scheme design: The content of this solicitation is the architectural concept scheme design of the Xiyu River 66-mu project of Tianfu Cultural Park Business District, including the architectural concept scheme design of this plot (such as concept design of landscape scheme, interior concept design of public areas, and concept design of floodlighting), the relocation of the Feng’s Courtyard (6,000-square-meter open space) and the open space of the folk house at 62, Xiyuhe Street (an open space with a land area of no less than 2,512 square meters is set on the southwest side).(2)方案设计:1)建筑专业初步设计深度;2)结构、机电专业达到方案设计深度;3)幕墙专业需完成立面方案深化,对重要立面节点提供大样图,并进行可行性论证,工程阶段协助业主严格监控幕墙选材定样、施工工艺;4)景观方案、公共区域的室内、泛光照明概念设计优化。(2) Scheme design: 1) The architecture specialty reaches the preliminary design depth; 2) structural and electromechanical specialties reach the scheme design depth; 3) the curtain wall specialty needs to complete the facade scheme development, providing large-scale drawings for key fa?ade nodes and conduct feasibility studies. During the engineering stage, it assists the owner to strictly monitor the curtain wall material selection, sample setting, and construction process; 4) concept design optimization of landscape scheme, interior of public areas, and floodlighting.
(3)配合征集人通过选定的国内设计院完成方案设计的报规报建等工作,对各专业顾问团队工作中涉及方案效果的内容进行审核,对施工现场涉及方案效果的内容进行把控等。(3) Cooperate with the Host to conduct the scheme submission and application for construction through the domestic design institute selected, review the content of the design scheme effect in the work of various specialized consultant teams, and control the content related to the scheme effect on the construction site.
五、报名单位要求Requirements for application5.1 本次国际征集将采用“公开报名”的方式,不设资质限制,境内外具有相关设计经验的单位均可报名参加,应征单位须是国内外合法注册的独立法人企业或机构,可提供有效的营业执照或商业登记证明。5.1  The solicitation will adopt “open application” without qualification restrictions. Units with relevant design experience from home and abroad may apply for participation. Application units should be independent legal person enterprises or institutions legally registered at home and abroad with valid business licenses or business application certificates.5.2 业绩要求:近10年(2013年1月1日以来)具有至少1个以下任一类似业绩:1)总建面规模在20万平方米及以上的城市核心区综合体设计经验;2)高度在150米及以上的超高层设计经验;3)建筑面积规模在5万平方米及以上的商业建筑创意经验;4)综合交通枢纽站城一体化设计经验;以上业绩包括已建或在建的项目。5.2  Achievement requirements: with at least one of the following similar achievements in the past 10 years (since January 1, 2013):1) With design experience in complexes with a total construction area exceeding 200,000 square meters in the urban core areas;2) With design experience in super high-rise buildings, which has the height of over 150 meters;3) With design experience in commercial buildings with a building area exceeding 50,000 square meters;4) Having design experience in comprehensive traffic hub station-city integration;The above-mentioned achievements include completed or ongoing projects.5.3 允许联合体报名,联合体成员不得超过3家,联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的单位组成联合体参加本次征集活动。5.3  Consortiums with no more than three members are allowed to apply. All consortium parties must not participate in the solicitation event in their own names separately or form a consortium with other units.5.4 本次征集活动不接受个人及个人组合报名。5.4 The solicitation event does not accept application of individuals and individual groups.5.5 单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时报名应征。5.5 The person in charge of the unit is the same person or a different unit with shareholding or management relationship must not apply at the same time.
六、报名方式Application Method6.1 本次征集报名时间为 2023 年 4 月 14 日至 2023 年 4 月 28 日 9:00~17:00(北京时间,下同)。6.1 The application period of this solicitation is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Beijing time, the same below), 14/4/2023 to 28/4/2023.6.2 报名机构应在报名截止时间前,将报名资料电子文件发送至指定邮箱competition@ehow.net.cn,同时将报名资料纸质文件(以及U盘2个)邮寄或送达至以下地址:成都市高新区锦城大道999号办公楼四楼成本管理中心,接收人:冯女士,电话:028-85171233。6.2. Applicants should send the electronic version of their application materials to the designated email (email address) before the application deadline, and at the same time, mail or deliver the hard copies of their application materials (as well as two USB drives) to the following address: Cost Management Center, 4th Floor, Office Building 999 Jincheng Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chengdu City, Recipient: Ms. Feng, Tel: 028-85171233.6.3 报名资料提交要求详见《天府文化公园商务区西御河66亩项目(暂定)建筑概念方案国际征集工作规则》。6.3 For requirements on the submission of application materials, please refer to the Working Rules of the International Solicitation of Architectural Concept Schemes for the Xiyu River 66-mu Project of Tianfu Cultural Park Business District (Tentative).6.4 应征单位需于 2023 年 4 月 28 日 17:00 前登录网址或扫描二维码:详情请点击:http://hi07552w.mikecrm.com/fDhfj7p,登录并登记报名信息,请准确填写报名信息(内容须与提交的应征申请文件一致)。6.4 The application units need to log in to the website: http://hi07552w.mikecrm.com/a7qqb3y or scan the QR code before 17:00 on April 28, 2023, log in and register the application information, and fill in the application information accurately (the content must be consistent with the submitted application documents).☆递交截止时间如有调整以最新通知通知的为准。应征申请文件以最终收到的纸质资料为准,在截止时间以后收到的报名资料将不予受理。☆ The submission deadline, if adjusted, is subject to the latest announcement. The application documents are subject to the hardcopy documents eventually received. Application documents received after the deadline will not be accepted.

七、征集说明Solicitation Description7.1 本次国际征集工作分为三个阶段进行:第一阶段为“遴选阶段”,第二阶段为“概念方案设计及评审阶段”;第三阶段为“确定中选单位”;7.1 The international solicitation is divided into three phases: Stage I: Selection stage, Stage II: Concept scheme design stage, Stage III: Determination of the selected unit.7.1.1 第一阶段-遴选阶段7.1.1 Stage I - Selection stage征集单位依法组建遴选评审委员会,遴选评审委员会将对应征申请文件进行综合评审,择优选出5家入围应征单位进入第二阶段-概念方案设计及评审阶段。同时评选出2家备选应征单位(须排序),备选应征单位在入围应征单位退出时依序替补。The Host sets up a selection review jury in accordance with the law. The selection review jury will conduct a comprehensive review on the application documents, select five shortlisted application units to enter Stage II: Concept scheme design and review stage. At the same time, two alternative application units will be selected (ranked), and the alternative application units will substitute in sequence in case the shortlisted application units withdraw.7.1.2 第二阶段-概念方案设计及评审阶段7.1.2 Stage II: Concept scheme design and review stage征集单位将组织 5 家入围应征单位进行现场踏勘答疑。入围应征单位需按照设计任务书要求,提交符合要求的设计成果文件。每家单位只允许提交一个创意方案,第二阶段方案评审委员会对提交的设计成果文件进行评审,通过记名投票(逐轮淘汰)评选出不排序的前3名候选应征单位进入“第三阶段-确定中选单位”。The Host will organize five shortlisted units to have on-site visit and answer questions. Shortlisted units should submit qualified deliverables according to the Design Brief. Each unit is only allowed to submit one design scheme. The scheme review jury will review the deliverables submitted at Stage II. The top three application units without ranking selected via open voting (round-by-round elimination) will enter "Stage III: Determination of the selected unit”.7.1.3 第三阶段-确定中选单位7.1.3 Stage III-Determination of the selected unit征集单位及政府主管部门在充分尊重评审委员专业评审结果的基础上,根据商务报价结果,结合造价、工期、技术等因素,最终由征集单位按审批程序确定中选单位。On the basis of the Host’s and the competent government departments’ full respect of the review opinions of experts, in accordance with the business negotiation results and in combination with the cost, duration, technology and other factors, the Host will finally determine the selected unit according to the approval procedure.7.2 本项目获优胜奖的 3 家机构,每家获得奖金人民币350万元(含税);提交了合格成果文件但未获优胜奖的入围机构,每家获得设计补偿费人民币250万元(含税);提交的成果文件不合格的入围机构无费用补偿。7.2 The three price winners of the Project will each receive a prize of RMB 3.5 million (tax included); the finalists who submit qualified deliverables but fail to acquire the winning prize will each receive a design compensation fee of RMB 2.5 million (tax included); the finalists whose submitted deliverables are disqualified will not receive any compensation. 中选机构 1 名,除优胜奖金以外,将获得后续方案设计费。本项目方案设计费控制价为人民币 8650 万元(含税)。One selected institution, in addition to the winning prize, will receive subsequent plan design fee. The control price for the Project’s scheme design fees is RMB 86.5 million (tax included).7.3 解释权:本次征集活动及相关文件的最终解释权归征集人。7.3 Right of interpretation: The final interpretation right of this solicitation event and related documents belongs to the Host. 7.4 语言:征集单位发出的文件以中文为准,应征单位与征集单位和策划服务单位之间的往来函电和文件均应使用中文书写。应征单位提交的应征申请文件为中文,如提供另一种语言版本,则必须附以中文译本;入围应征单位提交的设计成果文件均应为中英文,中英(外)文如不一致时,以中文为准。7.4 Chinese version of the documents released by the Host shall prevail. The correspondence and documents between the application unit and the Host and the planning service units should be written in Chinese. The application documents submitted by the application unit should be in Chinese, if another language version is provided, its Chinese translation must be attached; all design deliverables submitted by the shortlisted application unit should be in Chinese and English. In case of any inconsistency between Chinese and English (another foreign language), the Chinese version shall prevail.
7.5 征集日程(暂定)Solicitation agenda (tentative)
☆所有时间均以北京时间为准,征集单位保留调整日程安排的权利,如出现日程调整的情况,征集单位将通过邮件的形式,通知入围应征单位。☆All time is subject to Beijing time. The Host reserve the right to adjust the agenda. In case of an agenda adjustment, the Host will notify shortlisted application units by e-mail.
八、通知发布的媒体Media Releasing Announcement on Solicitation征集通知在以下网站上发布,对本通知的修改和补充均以在以下网站/微信公众号上发布的内容为准:The solicitation announcement will be released on the following websites. Modifications and supplements to this announcement is subject to the contents made public on the following websites/WeChat official accounts:
通知网站Announcement websites中国招标投标公共服务平台(www.cebpubservice.com)China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (详情请点击:http://www.cebpubservice.com)微信公众号WeChat official accounts一和研发、建日筑闻、ABBS建筑招标智库



天府文化公园地处成都市东西、南北城市主轴交汇点,包括少城片区和皇城坝片区,东至东华门街,西至西郊河,南至君平街-西御街-东御街,北至东门街-羊市街-西玉龙街,是成都 2300 年建城史的发源地和历史文化原点。作为改变中心城区城市格局和重塑城市形态的牵引性工程,聚焦做优做强文化传承创新功能,着力打造世界文化名城的集中展示地、西部金融中心重要承载地、成都千年历史迭代的文化中心。Located at the intersection of the east-west and north-south axes of Chengdu City, the Tianfu Cultural Park covers the Shaocheng and Huangchengba areas, stretching from Donghuamen Street in the east to Xijiao River in the west, and from Junping Street-Xiyu Street-Dongyu Street in the south to Dongmen Street-Yangshi Street-Xiyulong Street in the north. This area is the birthplace and historical and cultural origin of Chengdu's 2,300-year history of urban construction. As a driving project to change the urban pattern of downtown area and reshape the urban form, the Tianfu Cultural Park focuses on optimizing and enhancing the cultural inheritance and innovation function, so as to build into a centralized demonstration place of the world famous cultural city, a key carrier of the Western financial center, and the cultural center of Chengdu’s thousand-year historical iteration.骡马市金融高端商务集聚区作为天府文化公园的重要组成部分,是成都金融业的两大核心集聚区之一。本项目位于骡马市金融高端商务集聚区内,为全面贯彻市委市政府加快推进“三个做优做强”的重点片区建设的工作部署,助力建设国家西部金融中心,推进城市有机更新,着力打造集聚城市重要公共服务功能的商办核心区,打造天府文化公园片区高端金融服务业与国际文化交流重要场所,特开展本次建筑概念方案国际征集,通过本次国际征集,汇聚全球智慧,高起点、高标准、高水平完善创意方案,提升项目整体品质及定位。As an essential part of the Tianfu Cultural Park, the Luomashi Financial and High-end Business Agglomeration Area is one of two core agglomeration areas of Chengdu’s financial industry. The Project is located within the Luomashi Financial and High-end Business Agglomeration Area. To comprehensively implement CPC Chengdu Committee’s and Chengdu Municipal People's Government’s work deployment of accelerating the construction of “three optimizations and enhancements” key areas, contribute to the construction of the national Western financial center, promote organic urban renewal, focus on building a commercial and business core area that gathers important urban public services functions, and create a significant place for high-end financial service industry and international cultural exchanges, this international solicitation of architectural concept schemes is hereby launched, aiming at gathering global intelligence, improving the design schemes with high starting point, high standards and high-level, enhancing the overall quality and orientation of the Project.一、征集人 Host 成都兴御河城市更新建设发展有限公司Chengdu Xingyuhe Urban Renewal and Construction Development Co., Ltd
二、资料索取 Acquisition of solicitation materials有意向的申请人以电子邮件形式发送征集资料索取申请至指定邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cn,策划服务单位收到后审核无误,将在一个工作日内回复发送工作规则及设计任务书等相关资料。Interested applicants should send the application form for acquisition of solicitation documents to the designated email: competition@ehow.net.cn. The planning service agency will reply and send the Design Brief and related design materials within one working day after receiving and reviewing the application form.征集资料索取申请表下载链接:
Download link to the application form for acquisition of solicitation documents:
三、征集联系Solicitation contact策划服务单位:深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司Planning service unit: Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center联系人:彭工联系电话:+86 13641432974(北京时间周一至周五9:00—18:00)联系邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cnContact person: Ms. PengContact phone number: +86 13641432974 (Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00 Beijing time)E-mail: competition@ehow.net.cn
四、项目信息Project information
4.1 项目名字Project name天府文化公园商务区西御河66亩项目(暂定)建筑概念方案国际征集International Solicitation of Architectural Concept Schemes for the Xiyu River 66-mu Project of Tianfu Cultural Park Business District (Tentative)
4.2 项目简况Project overview
4.2.1 项目区位Project location场地位于成都市青羊区骡马市地铁站旁,西侧紧临西华门街,南侧紧临西御河沿街,北侧紧邻城市主干路羊市街,东侧紧邻人民中路(城市中轴线)。Located next to Luomashi metro station, Qingyang District, Chengdu City, the site abuts Xihuamen Road to the west, Xiyuhe Street to the south, Yangshi Street (the city’s main trunk road) to the north, and Middle Renmin Road (the city’s central axis) to the east. 
Figure 1 Location diagram of the Project
地块西侧拟规划为高端商住融合街区(最终以政府审批文件为准),未来将自带良好的商业氛围及人居环境;南侧为规划在建的天府文化公园,景观资源优良,并向南形成绝佳的昭示性;北侧临近成都市第三人民医院,东侧为拟规划的高强度开发商业用地(容积率约10.5,最终以政府审批文件为准),以及在建的骡马市站点(四线换乘),公共交通发达便利。The plot is situated on the west side of a high-end commercial and residential block under planning (pending final government approval document) with a sound business atmosphere and living environment in the future; to its south lies the planned Tianfu Cultural Park under construction, which boasts stunning scenery resources and shapes excellent demonstration southward; it abuts the Chengdu Third People's Hospital to the north; on its east side are high-intensity development commercial land to be planned (with a plot ratio of around 10.5, pending final government approval document), and the Luomashi station (a four-line transfer station) currently under construction, offering developed and convenient public transportation. 
图2场地现状图Figure 2 Diagram of current site4.2.2 规划指标Planning indicators
4.2.3 征集内容Solicitation contents (1)概念方案设计:本次征集内容为天府文化公园商务区西御河66亩项目的建筑概念方案设计,包括本地块的建筑概念方案设计(含景观方案概念设计、公共区域的室内概念设计、泛光照明概念设计)及冯家大院回迁(6000平方米开敞空间)和西御河沿街62号民居设开放空间(西南侧设置用地面积不小于2512平方米的开敞空间)。(1)Concept scheme design: The content of this solicitation is the architectural concept scheme design of the Xiyu River 66-mu project of Tianfu Cultural Park Business District, including the architectural concept scheme design of this plot (such as concept design of landscape scheme, interior concept design of public areas, and concept design of floodlighting), the relocation of the Feng’s Courtyard (6,000-square-meter open space) and the open space of the folk house at 62, Xiyuhe Street (an open space with a land area of no less than 2,512 square meters is set on the southwest side).(2)方案设计:1)建筑专业初步设计深度;2)结构、机电专业达到方案设计深度;3)幕墙专业需完成立面方案深化,对重要立面节点提供大样图,并进行可行性论证,工程阶段协助业主严格监控幕墙选材定样、施工工艺;4)景观方案、公共区域的室内、泛光照明概念设计优化。(2) Scheme design: 1) The architecture specialty reaches the preliminary design depth; 2) structural and electromechanical specialties reach the scheme design depth; 3) the curtain wall specialty needs to complete the facade scheme development, providing large-scale drawings for key fa?ade nodes and conduct feasibility studies. During the engineering stage, it assists the owner to strictly monitor the curtain wall material selection, sample setting, and construction process; 4) concept design optimization of landscape scheme, interior of public areas, and floodlighting.
(3)配合征集人通过选定的国内设计院完成方案设计的报规报建等工作,对各专业顾问团队工作中涉及方案效果的内容进行审核,对施工现场涉及方案效果的内容进行把控等。(3) Cooperate with the Host to conduct the scheme submission and application for construction through the domestic design institute selected, review the content of the design scheme effect in the work of various specialized consultant teams, and control the content related to the scheme effect on the construction site.
五、报名单位要求Requirements for application5.1 本次国际征集将采用“公开报名”的方式,不设资质限制,境内外具有相关设计经验的单位均可报名参加,应征单位须是国内外合法注册的独立法人企业或机构,可提供有效的营业执照或商业登记证明。5.1  The solicitation will adopt “open application” without qualification restrictions. Units with relevant design experience from home and abroad may apply for participation. Application units should be independent legal person enterprises or institutions legally registered at home and abroad with valid business licenses or business application certificates.5.2 业绩要求:近10年(2013年1月1日以来)具有至少1个以下任一类似业绩:1)总建面规模在20万平方米及以上的城市核心区综合体设计经验;2)高度在150米及以上的超高层设计经验;3)建筑面积规模在5万平方米及以上的商业建筑创意经验;4)综合交通枢纽站城一体化设计经验;以上业绩包括已建或在建的项目。5.2  Achievement requirements: with at least one of the following similar achievements in the past 10 years (since January 1, 2013):1) With design experience in complexes with a total construction area exceeding 200,000 square meters in the urban core areas;2) With design experience in super high-rise buildings, which has the height of over 150 meters;3) With design experience in commercial buildings with a building area exceeding 50,000 square meters;4) Having design experience in comprehensive traffic hub station-city integration;The above-mentioned achievements include completed or ongoing projects.5.3 允许联合体报名,联合体成员不得超过3家,联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的单位组成联合体参加本次征集活动。5.3  Consortiums with no more than three members are allowed to apply. All consortium parties must not participate in the solicitation event in their own names separately or form a consortium with other units.5.4 本次征集活动不接受个人及个人组合报名。5.4 The solicitation event does not accept application of individuals and individual groups.5.5 单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得同时报名应征。5.5 The person in charge of the unit is the same person or a different unit with shareholding or management relationship must not apply at the same time.
六、报名方式Application Method6.1 本次征集报名时间为 2023 年 4 月 14 日至 2023 年 4 月 28 日 9:00~17:00(北京时间,下同)。6.1 The application period of this solicitation is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Beijing time, the same below), 14/4/2023 to 28/4/2023.6.2 报名机构应在报名截止时间前,将报名资料电子文件发送至指定邮箱competition@ehow.net.cn,同时将报名资料纸质文件(以及U盘2个)邮寄或送达至以下地址:成都市高新区锦城大道999号办公楼四楼成本管理中心,接收人:冯女士,电话:028-85171233。6.2. Applicants should send the electronic version of their application materials to the designated email (email address) before the application deadline, and at the same time, mail or deliver the hard copies of their application materials (as well as two USB drives) to the following address: Cost Management Center, 4th Floor, Office Building 999 Jincheng Avenue, High-tech Zone, Chengdu City, Recipient: Ms. Feng, Tel: 028-85171233.6.3 报名资料提交要求详见《天府文化公园商务区西御河66亩项目(暂定)建筑概念方案国际征集工作规则》。6.3 For requirements on the submission of application materials, please refer to the Working Rules of the International Solicitation of Architectural Concept Schemes for the Xiyu River 66-mu Project of Tianfu Cultural Park Business District (Tentative).6.4 应征单位需于 2023 年 4 月 28 日 17:00 前登录网址或扫描二维码:详情请点击:http://hi07552w.mikecrm.com/fDhfj7p,登录并登记报名信息,请准确填写报名信息(内容须与提交的应征申请文件一致)。6.4 The application units need to log in to the website: http://hi07552w.mikecrm.com/a7qqb3y or scan the QR code before 17:00 on April 28, 2023, log in and register the application information, and fill in the application information accurately (the content must be consistent with the submitted application documents).☆递交截止时间如有调整以最新通知通知的为准。应征申请文件以最终收到的纸质资料为准,在截止时间以后收到的报名资料将不予受理。☆ The submission deadline, if adjusted, is subject to the latest announcement. The application documents are subject to the hardcopy documents eventually received. Application documents received after the deadline will not be accepted.

七、征集说明Solicitation Description7.1 本次国际征集工作分为三个阶段进行:第一阶段为“遴选阶段”,第二阶段为“概念方案设计及评审阶段”;第三阶段为“确定中选单位”;7.1 The international solicitation is divided into three phases: Stage I: Selection stage, Stage II: Concept scheme design stage, Stage III: Determination of the selected unit.7.1.1 第一阶段-遴选阶段7.1.1 Stage I - Selection stage征集单位依法组建遴选评审委员会,遴选评审委员会将对应征申请文件进行综合评审,择优选出5家入围应征单位进入第二阶段-概念方案设计及评审阶段。同时评选出2家备选应征单位(须排序),备选应征单位在入围应征单位退出时依序替补。The Host sets up a selection review jury in accordance with the law. The selection review jury will conduct a comprehensive review on the application documents, select five shortlisted application units to enter Stage II: Concept scheme design and review stage. At the same time, two alternative application units will be selected (ranked), and the alternative application units will substitute in sequence in case the shortlisted application units withdraw.7.1.2 第二阶段-概念方案设计及评审阶段7.1.2 Stage II: Concept scheme design and review stage征集单位将组织 5 家入围应征单位进行现场踏勘答疑。入围应征单位需按照设计任务书要求,提交符合要求的设计成果文件。每家单位只允许提交一个创意方案,第二阶段方案评审委员会对提交的设计成果文件进行评审,通过记名投票(逐轮淘汰)评选出不排序的前3名候选应征单位进入“第三阶段-确定中选单位”。The Host will organize five shortlisted units to have on-site visit and answer questions. Shortlisted units should submit qualified deliverables according to the Design Brief. Each unit is only allowed to submit one design scheme. The scheme review jury will review the deliverables submitted at Stage II. The top three application units without ranking selected via open voting (round-by-round elimination) will enter "Stage III: Determination of the selected unit”.7.1.3 第三阶段-确定中选单位7.1.3 Stage III-Determination of the selected unit征集单位及政府主管部门在充分尊重评审委员专业评审结果的基础上,根据商务报价结果,结合造价、工期、技术等因素,最终由征集单位按审批程序确定中选单位。On the basis of the Host’s and the competent government departments’ full respect of the review opinions of experts, in accordance with the business negotiation results and in combination with the cost, duration, technology and other factors, the Host will finally determine the selected unit according to the approval procedure.7.2 本项目获优胜奖的 3 家机构,每家获得奖金人民币350万元(含税);提交了合格成果文件但未获优胜奖的入围机构,每家获得设计补偿费人民币250万元(含税);提交的成果文件不合格的入围机构无费用补偿。7.2 The three price winners of the Project will each receive a prize of RMB 3.5 million (tax included); the finalists who submit qualified deliverables but fail to acquire the winning prize will each receive a design compensation fee of RMB 2.5 million (tax included); the finalists whose submitted deliverables are disqualified will not receive any compensation. 中选机构 1 名,除优胜奖金以外,将获得后续方案设计费。本项目方案设计费控制价为人民币 8650 万元(含税)。One selected institution, in addition to the winning prize, will receive subsequent plan design fee. The control price for the Project’s scheme design fees is RMB 86.5 million (tax included).7.3 解释权:本次征集活动及相关文件的最终解释权归征集人。7.3 Right of interpretation: The final interpretation right of this solicitation event and related documents belongs to the Host. 7.4 语言:征集单位发出的文件以中文为准,应征单位与征集单位和策划服务单位之间的往来函电和文件均应使用中文书写。应征单位提交的应征申请文件为中文,如提供另一种语言版本,则必须附以中文译本;入围应征单位提交的设计成果文件均应为中英文,中英(外)文如不一致时,以中文为准。7.4 Chinese version of the documents released by the Host shall prevail. The correspondence and documents between the application unit and the Host and the planning service units should be written in Chinese. The application documents submitted by the application unit should be in Chinese, if another language version is provided, its Chinese translation must be attached; all design deliverables submitted by the shortlisted application unit should be in Chinese and English. In case of any inconsistency between Chinese and English (another foreign language), the Chinese version shall prevail.
7.5 征集日程(暂定)Solicitation agenda (tentative)
☆所有时间均以北京时间为准,征集单位保留调整日程安排的权利,如出现日程调整的情况,征集单位将通过邮件的形式,通知入围应征单位。☆All time is subject to Beijing time. The Host reserve the right to adjust the agenda. In case of an agenda adjustment, the Host will notify shortlisted application units by e-mail.
八、通知发布的媒体Media Releasing Announcement on Solicitation征集通知在以下网站上发布,对本通知的修改和补充均以在以下网站/微信公众号上发布的内容为准:The solicitation announcement will be released on the following websites. Modifications and supplements to this announcement is subject to the contents made public on the following websites/WeChat official accounts:
通知网站Announcement websites中国招标投标公共服务平台(www.cebpubservice.com)China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (详情请点击:http://www.cebpubservice.com)微信公众号WeChat official accounts一和研发、建日筑闻、ABBS建筑招标智库




更新时间:2023-11-23 18:34:17



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