《杭州科创CBD核心区实施性城市设计》国际方案征集公告for the Implementation-Oriented Urban Designof the Core Area of Hangzhou Sci-Tech Innovation CBDHangzhou Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor Management CommitteeHangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural ResourcesHangzhou Cloud City Construction and Management AuthorityYuhang District People's GovernmentHangzhou Communications Investment Group Co., Ltd.Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor Branch, Hangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources(Hangzhou Bureau of Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor Planning and Construction)Hangzhou Planning Formulation CenterYuhang Branch, Hangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural ResourcesHangzhou West Railway Station Hub Development Co., Ltd.01
杭州科创CBD核心区位于杭州城西科创大走廊重点区块,是新一轮杭州市国土空间总体规划明确的全球城市功能中心——城西科创中心的重要组成部分,也是后亚运时期杭州优化超大城市空间格局,打造产业地标、城市地标、创新地标的重点发展区块。为进一步细化该片区的规划建设要求,优化功能业态布局,提升空间建设品质,实现打造具有国际范、未来感创新中心的目标定位,助力杭州城西科创大走廊建设成为高水平现代化引领示范区。现向全球公开征集有国际化视野、前瞻性定位、科学性布局的实施性城市设计,切实指导杭州科创CBD核心区高水平、高质量开发建设。Situated at the key block of the Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor, the core area of Hangzhou Sci-Tech Innovation CBD is an integral part of the Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Center, a global urban functional center defined in the city's next round of territorial planning. As Hangzhou optimizes the mega-city spatial pattern in the post-Asian Games era, the CBD is also a key block to developing industrial, urban, and innovation landmarks. We aspire to refine the planning and construction requirements of the area, optimize the layout of functional businesses, improve the quality of space construction, achieve the goal of building an international and futuristic innovation center, and nurture the Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor into a high-level modernization demonstration area. Therefore, we are welcoming implementation-oriented urban designs with international vision, forward-looking positioning, and reasonable layout to guide the high-level and high-quality development of the core area of Hangzhou Sci-Tech Innovation CBD.
区域位置图1 Project position (1)区域位置图2
Project position (2)
概念设计范围:东至良睦路,南至余杭塘河,西至运溪路,北至苏嘉路,用地面积约10平方公里。实施性城市设计范围:东至创明路,南至访云街,西至景腾北路,北至留祥路,用地面积约3.7平方公里。Scope of conceptual design: about 10 square kilometers (Liangmu Road on the east, Yuhangtang River on the south, Yunxi Road on the west, and Sujia Road on the north)Scope of implementation-oriented urban design: about 3.7 square kilometers (Chuangming Road on the east, Fangyun Street on the south, Jingteng North Road on the west, and Liuxiang Road on the north)Scope of key area design: about 1.2 square kilometers.征集范围示意图
Scope of the call for entries
Design Task
本次方案征集是对《杭州市余杭区西站新城单元(YH08)详细规划》等上位规划的深化优化,分三个层次开展,总体要求如下(具体要求详见后续《设计任务书》):重点研究杭州云城的产业需求,处理好核心区功能板块间的关系,明确各功能空间组织并提出业态引导。重点处理好城市空间形态、开放空间和慢行网络的连接关系,塑造建筑风貌特色,提升生态文化景观,优化道路交通组织,强化站城一体化发展和地上地下空间一体化设计,彰显云城核心区的独特魅力与活力。重点细化城市空间与功能业态,强化功能与空间的连贯性,协调公共建筑界面与景观的互动性,妥善处理好西站枢纽群高层建筑、公共建筑与开放空间之间的关系,达到概念建筑设计方案深度,并提出规划管控要求,以达到指导项目实施的目的。We expect proposals to deepen and optimize upper-level planning (e.g., Detailed Planning of the New City Unit, West Railway Station, Yuhang District, Hangzhou (YH08)) at three levels. See below for general requirements. (Detailed requirements will be in the Design Assignment.)(1) Scope of conceptual designThe focus is to investigate the industrial needs of Hangzhou Cloud City, sort out the relationship among the functional sectors of the core area, determine the organization of each functional space, and put forward the guidance of business formats.(2) Scope of implementation-oriented urban designThe focus is to organically connect the urban space, open space, and non-motorized transportation, shape the architectural style and characteristics, improve the ecological and cultural landscape, optimize the road traffic organization, strengthen coordinated development above and below the ground, and highlight the unique charm and vitality of the core area of Hangzhou Cloud City.(3) Scope of key area designThe focus is to refine urban space and functional formats, strengthen the coherence of functions and space, coordinate the interaction between the interface of public buildings and landscape, manage the relationship among high-rises, public buildings, and open space around the West Railway Station, achieve the depth of the conceptual architectural design, and put forward planning and control requirements to guide the implementation of the project.04
4.2应征机构(联合体)均必须具有合法注册并在有效期内的营业执照或合法证明。法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得同时报名参赛。4.3应征机构(联合体)及相关主创团队(联合体形式参加的以牵头单位为准)均须具有国内一线城市或国际知名大都市重点核心片区(不小于1平方公里)的城市设计及建筑设计经验。具有以下同类项目经验的应征机构(联合体)优先考虑:l具有国内一线城市或国际知名大都市高密度、高强度、高混合地区规划设计经验;l具有200米及以上的超高层建筑和公共文化建筑地标项目在建或已建项目设计经验;4.4负责本次国际方案征集设计工作的主创设计师需参加重要节点的汇报等工作,如在本次国际征集过程中发现主创设计师与报名材料所提交的团队人员名单不符,主办单位有权取消其参加资格。为了保证项目设计人员对本次国际征集背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。4.1 The call for entries is open to all Chinese and foreign design institutions, and no qualification is required. Registration by individual or individual combination is not accepted. Consortia are allowed. A maximum of two institutions is allowed in a consortium.4.2 Institutions (consortia) must be legally registered and have valid business licensesor legal certificates. Two or more legal entities, their parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries, and their holding companies whose legal representatives are the same person are not allowed to register at the same time.4.3 Institutions (consortia) and the main team members (for consortia, it would be the main team members of the leading institution) must have experience in urban design and architectural design in the core area (not less than one square kilometer) in first-tier Chinese cities or world-renowned metropolises.Institutions (consortia) with experience in the following projects are preferred:* Planning and design of high-density, high-intensity, and highly-mixed areas in first-tier Chinese cities or world-renowned metropolises;* Integrated design of TOD areas and underground spaces;* Industrial and business planning;* Design of super high-rises (200 meters and above) and public cultural landmarks (completed or underway);* Public landscape and environment creation.4.4 The chief designer for this project must participate in the presentations in the important phases. If the chief designer is not the same person listed in the "team member" section of the registration materials, the organizers have the right to revoke his or her eligibility. In order to ensure that the designers have an accurate understanding of the background and requirements, at least one designer should be proficient in Chinese.05
凡有意参加本次方案征集活动的设计机构,须递交电子报名材料和资格预审报名纸质文件(具体报名流程参见《资格预审报名信息表》及《规则文件》相关说明),于2024年02月05日17:00(北京时间)前将电子报名材料发送至本项目邮箱(hzgczxzx@163.com),于2024年02月06日17:00(北京时间)前将资格预审报名纸质文件送达至指定地点:杭州市西湖区古荡街道天目山路181号天际大厦1815室,联系方式:18668432697。逾期送交或不符合规定的报名材料不予接收(具体详见《规则文件》)。Institutions must submit both electronic registration materials and paper materials for qualification review. (See the Registration for Qualification Review and Rules Document for details.) Electronic registration materials should be sent to hzgczxzx@163.com by 5:00 pm on February 5, 2024 (Beijing time). Paper materials for qualification review should be sent to Room 1815, Tianji Building, 181 Tianmushan Road, Gudang Street, Xihu District, Hangzhou (contact person's mobile: +86-18668432697) by 5:00 pm on February 6, 2024 (Beijing time). If the submission is too late or fails to follow the rules, it won't be accepted. (See the Rules Document for details.)06
征集工作按照“资格预审”和“方案评审”两个阶段开展。“资格预审”阶段由评审专家委员会对报名单位和其拟派设计人员的执业资格、类似项目设计业绩等方面进行评议、比选,从中择优选取5家设计单位(无排序)进入下一阶段工作,另选2家设计单位(须排序)作为备选。对未入围的设计单位不作任何解释;“方案评审”阶段由评审专家委员会对5家入围单位的设计成果进行评审,推选出2个优胜方案。2家优胜方案的设计单位经进一步深化设计成果后,最终评审出第一名单位。具体安排详见下表。There will be two phases: qualification review and proposal review.In the qualification review phase, the review committee will evaluate the qualifications, the performance of similar projects, etc., of the institutions and their designers and shortlist five institutions (without any particular order) for the next phase. Two institutions will also be screened as backups (with a particular order). There won't be any explanations for the institutions that are not shortlisted. In the proposal review phase, the review committee will evaluate the proposals and shortlist two institutions out of five. These two institutions will then deepen their proposals, and a final review will decide the winner. See below for details.注:以上时间均以北京时间为准,主办单位保留调整日程安排的权利。Note: The above times are Beijing time. The organizers reserve the right to adjust the schedule.联系电话:0571-85811323、18668432697Hangzhou Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor Management CommitteeHangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural ResourcesHangzhou Cloud City Construction and Management AuthorityYuhang District People's GovernmentHangzhou Communications Investment Group Co., Ltd.Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor Branch, Hangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources(Hangzhou Bureau of Chengxi Sci-Tech Innovation Corridor Planning and Construction)Hangzhou Planning Formulation CenterYuhang Branch, Hangzhou Bureau of Planning and Natural ResourcesHangzhou West Railway Station Hub Development Co., Ltd.Collection of Entries: Hangzhou Engineering Consulting Center Co., Ltd.Contact Person: Mr. Zhang《资格预审报名信息表》及《规则文件》将于浙江政府采购网(http:/zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn/)另行发布。The Registration for Qualification Review and Rules Documents will be released on the website for government procurement in Zhejiang Province (http://zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn/).