为进一步服务国家教育对外开放战略和创新驱动发展战略,提高浙江高等教育水平和国际影响力,加快浙江大学建设中国特色世界一流大学,浙江大学国际联合学院(海宁国际校区)于2016年9月正式招生开学,2017年10月校园全面启用。2022年9月,国家发展和改革委员会、教育部、科学技术部联合印发《浙江大学国际联合学院(海宁)、昆山杜克大学国际合作教育样板区建设方案》,支持浙江大学国际校区打造区域国际合作教育新标杆。The founding of International Campus was an important initiative of Zhejiang University to further serve China's opening-up strategy in education and innovation-driven development. It was also an important measure by the university to proactively respond to the goals of Zhejiang Province to become a powerhouse in higher education, aiming at elevating Zhejiang University to a world-class university with Chinese characteristics. International Campus was launched in March 2016, and received the first cohort of students in September. It was completed and fully opened in October 2017. International Campus will continue in its pursuit of excellence and strive to become a model of international collaborative education.为进一步提升校园建筑与标志物的辨识度,加强校园文化内涵与品牌建设,现拟对国际校区校园的湖泊、桥梁、广场开展公开征名。To further enhance the recognition of buildings and landmarks, strengthen its cultural significance and branding, it’s our privilege to invite you to suggest the best names for central lake, central bridge, and bell tower square of International Campus.1征名范围 Scope国际校区的中心湖、中心桥、钟楼广场。Central lake, central bridge, and bell tower square.2征名原则 Principles文化性 Cultural Significance命名应格调高雅、含义深刻,能充分展现浙江大学以及国际校区的办学特色、文化内涵、历史底蕴和价值追求。应同时提交中英文名称,并附200字以内命名说明。The names should be elegant and meaningful, demonstrating the distinctive educational characteristics, cultural significance, historical heritage, and values of both Zhejiang University and International Campus. Both Chinese and English names should be provided, along with a naming explanation of no more than 200 words.易记性 Memorability命名既要文字优美简练、寓意隽永,又要雅致顺畅、朗朗上口,便于传播。The names should be concise, beautiful, timeless in meaning, and pleasant-sounding, making them easy to remember and spread.整体性 Coherence命名应与校区整体环境相协调,体现出校园规划的整体布局,以系列命名为佳。The names should harmonize with the overall environment of the campus and reflect the overall campus design. It is preferable to have a series of names that are interconnected.规范性 Standardization命名应当符合国家法律、社会公德和语言文字规范,不使用多音字或生僻字,避免出现谐音和歧义。The names should comply with national laws, social ethics, and linguistic norms. Please avoid using homophones or rare characters.3活动对象 Participants浙江大学师生员工和校友,其他关心支持国际校区的海内外人士。Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends.4奖项设置 Awards录用奖 Acceptance Award对命名方案最终被采用的个人或团体,国际校区颁发荣誉纪念证书,给予5000元奖励。The individual or group whose naming proposal is ultimately adopted will be awarded an honorary certificate and a prize of 5,000 RMB.参与奖 Participation Award对命名方案在投票阶段排名前三而未被最终录用的个人或团体,给予1000元奖励。Other individuals or groups whose naming proposals rank top 3 during the voting stage will receive a prize of 1,000 RMB each.5方案提交 Submission请于2023年6月18日前通过下方链接或二维码提交您的命名方案。Please submit your naming proposal via the link or QR code below before June 18, 2023.https://forms.office.com/r/GGR40zg5QH
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/gxXiMYB6YyAqA_o0QV9k5A" rel="nofollow">https://mmbiz.qpic.cn/sz_mmbiz_png/r6M3w274JbgEPm6VwQ3D9tt3kC0nK9iaqEyYMKlwTibJjcrz8h1prD5GD1VGvDzv8m7WMmHFicaQMTkRZxjJ4Mxhg/640?wx_fmt=png&wxfrom=5&wx_lazy=1&wx_co=1" />