







更新时间:2023-07-17 19:46:36

The Royal Institute of British Architects(RIBA)is an international institute of architects with a long history.Since its inception in 1834,RIBA has been at the forefront of global design excellence.RIBA is committed to promoting the overall progress of architecture and promoting and assisting in the acquisition of all kinds of artistic and scientific knowledge related to the construction industry.Our goal is to serve a global community of some 55000 partner architects in 115 countries and regions to provide better buildings and places,stronger communities and a sustainable environment.To this end,we actively promote the professional development of architects and connect architects worldwide through various work plans to support and inspire our global community.
Over the past few years,RIBA has further reaffirmed its global footprint by opening two international offices,one of which is in Shanghai,China.In a short period of two and a half years,RIBA,together with the Chinese construction industry,has held diversified and wonderful activities to promote exchanges between Chinese architects and the world in forms of lectures,exhibitions and competitions.At the same time,we are also actively promoting the works of Chinese architects overseas,focusing on London,England,and constantly radiating the influence of Chinese architectural power.In 2021,RIBA China Architect 100 selected 100 representative talents in China's construction industry,and attracted more outstanding architects to join the RIBA family.
在过去几年,RIBA通过开设两个国际办事处进一步重申了其全球足迹,其中一个位于中国上海。短短两年半的时间,RIBA携手中国建筑行业举办了多元而精彩的活动,以讲座、展览、竞赛等形式,促进中国建筑师与全球的交流与共享,同时也积极地将中国建筑师的作品推向海外,以英国伦敦为中心不断辐射中国建筑力量的影响力。中国地区的会员网络也在不断壮大,2021年的“RIBA China Architect 100”评选出了中国建筑行业具有代表性的100位佼佼者,也吸引了更多的优秀建筑师加入RIBA的大家庭。
RIBA is amazed at the rapid growth of Chinese cities and the extraordinary boldness shown in the process.Some commercial complexes have not only become iconic landmarks of their home cities,but also an indispensable part of the local lifestyle."2023 RIBA China Landmark 100"aims to explore the personalities of China's contemporary urban commercial complexes through a series of activities to discover Chinese urban landmarks.We will leverage our long-standing global community and network to promote the value of these architectural works,providing different perspectives to different audiences around the world.
RIBA也惊异于中国城市的快速成长,以及在此过程中所呈现的非凡魄力。一些商业综合体不仅成为它们所在城市的标志性建筑,而且成为当地生活方式不可或缺的一部分。“2023 RIBA中国地标100”旨在通过一系列发现中国城市地标的活动,探索中国当代城市商业综合体的个性。我们将利用长期以来的全球社区和网络来推广这些建筑作品的价值,为世界各地的不同观众提供不同的视角。
The 2023 RIBA
China Landmark 100 aims to
“2023 RIBA中国地标100”旨在
1.Comprehensively display a RIBA atlas of Chinese urban landmarks and explore the architect's avant-garde design ideas and practical insights.
Since its inception,RIBA has always paid attention to the cutting-edge development of architecture,constantly tapping the world's outstanding architectural works through exhibitions,competitions and other diversified channels.After entering the 21st century,the global urbanization has been accelerating,and the speed of urbanization in China is tremendous.a variety of eye-catching architectural works have consequently been created,and there is a deep relationship between its design concept and the local characteristics of Chinese cities.As a medium,"2023 RIBA China Landmark 100"will comprehensively create and present our atlas of Chinese landmarks,explore the important role of urban commercial complex in China's urban development,and trigger a variety of possibilities of future cities.Our works and ideas will be promoted globally in the form of exhibitions and reports,serving as a critical part of the export of China's experience.
RIBA自成立以来,始终关注建筑学的前沿发展,通过展览、竞赛等多种渠道,不断挖掘全球卓越建筑作品。进入21世纪后,全球的城市化都在加速,而中国的城市化速度更是令人惊叹。在此过程中诞生了许多引人瞩目的建筑作品,其设计理念与中国城市的本土特征之间存在着深厚的联系。“2023 RIBA中国地标100”将作为一个媒介,全面地梳理和展示中国地标建筑的个性化图谱,探讨城市商业综合体之于中国城市发展的重要作用,并引发未来城市的各种可能性。其作品和思潮将会以展览和报道的形式在全球范围内推广,成为中国经验输出的重要组成部分。
2.Architectural works(conceptual and specific designs)will be permanently collected in the RIBA collection in London.
RIBA has the richest collection of architectural works in the world,treasuring manuscripts,models,tools and letters of architectural masters who have profound influences on history and human society,such as Palladio,Mies van der Rohe,Gropius,etc.,as well as the works of architects who have made great contributions to the development of contemporary architecture,such as Zaha Hadid and Sir David Ajaye.Under the"2023 RIBA China Landmark 100th"project,we will add a medley of contemporary Chinese architectural works to the grand architectural collection of RIBA,share them with people around the world,and inspire global architects to think about the connotation and development of contemporary cities.
RIBA拥有全球最丰富的建筑作品馆藏,珍藏着帕拉蒂奥、密斯凡德罗、格罗皮乌斯等对历史及人类社会有着深刻影响力的建筑大师的手稿、模型、工具、信件等,也记录了扎哈哈迪德夫人、大卫阿贾耶爵士等为当代建筑发展做出了卓绝贡献的建筑师们的作品。我们希望借助“2023 RIBA中国地标100”项目,将丰富的中国当代建筑作品纳入RIBA宏大的建筑馆藏,与世界人民分享,并激励全球建筑师思考当代城市的内涵与发展。
3.Advocate excellent architectural design based on urban context in the global construction industry,and jointly build a future-oriented contemporary urban image.
RIBA has a long tradition of working with a wide range of major global stakeholders in the construction industry.RIBA's global presence supports architects in advocating and participating in international events,further promoting individual and collective design excellence.Through this project,RIBA hopes to comprehensively illustrate the cultural context and underlying spirit of Chinese urban landmarks,form a distinct image of the development of contemporary Chinese cities and buildings,and recognize their continuous contributions to the economic development of Chinese cities.The creation of this heavyweight topic will attract the attention of city managers,developers,design institutions,academic institutions and the general public,foster dialogues among people in different regions,different cultures and different living environments,particularly on how to build a future-oriented city commercial complex and city image.
Action Perspective of
“2023 RIBA China Landmark 100”
“2023 RIBA中国地标100”的行动视角
RIBA has developed a"diversified","sustainable"and"dynamic"perspective for this initiative based on the strategic values of"inclusiveness,ethics,environmental protection and collaboration".Under the guidance of these three perspectives,RIBA carefully interprets the internal character and external performance of each landmark urban commercial complex,and selects 100 representative landmarks with important social,cultural and ecological values.These urban landmarks will be varied and of equal value and significance to daily users.
The First Perspective of RIBA:diversity
Diversification is at the heart of Chinese architectural design practice.In 9.6 million square kilometers of land,there are 691 different cities,each with its own characters.In the system of urban landmarks,there are also diversified characteristics,manifesting the cultural context of the development of Chinese cities.
Diversified architectural functions
Rapid urbanization creates opportunities for the practice of architectural design in China.With the increase of urban functions,the function of urban commercial complex is becoming more and more complex and three-dimensional to facilitate different needs,which is considered as an important component of the city.Their designers also use professional design knowledge to solve complex practical problems more frequently,and form a thread of knowledge system that cannot be ignored.
Diversified spatial experience
The diversification of landmark urban commercial complex is also reflected in the personalized spatial experience,which adds more iconic and visual experience to the area,and provides a variety of urban life scenes for urban residents and visitors.They are intertwined to form a deep and personalized collective memory,which makes the image of the city fuller.
The Second Perspective of RIBA:sustainability
In the 21st century,the world is facing a severe climate crisis.The construction industry,a major energy consuming and carbon emission industry,must consider the sustainability of urban future development and make a positive contribution to the goal of carbon neutralization.As one of the most representative building types with the largest ecological footprint in the city,urban commercial complexes have a great impact on the sustainability of the city,so it is necessary to evaluate and optimize its energy consumption and carbon emissions,so that they can better meet the dual needs of human and urban ecosystem.
Sustainable spatial form
The spatial form of buildings is an important factor affecting urban energy consumption,which affects not only the sustainability of the building itself,but also the sustainability of the whole neighbourhood and even the whole city.Thinking about the sustainability of architecture from the perspective of spatial form is to restore architecture to a state of symbiosis with nature from the Noumenon of architecture,and the city composed of countless single buildings can obtain sustainable ability.
Sustainable building materials
Another factor affecting urban energy consumption is the use of building materials.Traditional building materials are full of environmental pollution from production,transportation to use.The use of sustainable and low-carbon materials in the whole life cycle of the building is of great significance to the sustainable development of the city.
The Third Perspective of RIBA:dynamic
With the process of globalization,cities need to enhance their competitiveness and improve their quality of life to attract creative talents.Commerce embodies the most dominant and intuitive aspect of urban vitality.Traditional commercial facilities have been gradually replaced by a new generation of urban commercial complexes,which contributes to urban economies in a totally different format.They have gradually developed into important places for urban life and consumption,and are known as the"living rooms"of the city.
Dynamic economic pulses
The richness of consumption offerings by urban commercial complexes can attract consumers to patronize the malls again and again.It helps to form a dynamic urban regional vitality centre to cultivate consumers'loyalty to the commercial complexes.Here we are not just referring to retail,but a comprehensive experience of entertainment,shopping,dining,education and other things.
Vibrant cultural images
The development of the city bears the traces of history and culture,which solidify into the imaginary elements and images of the city and architecture,inherit and carry forward the character of the city,gather people's different understandings of history and culture,and translate all kinds of stories that take place in the city in formal language.
Action Vision of
“2023 RIBA China Landmark 100”
“2023 RIBA中国地标100”的行动远景
RIBA will continue to excavate famous works of Chinese contemporary architecture.Interpreting these works from a new perspective is of vital significance to Chinese cities,and the avant-garde ideas of the architects who completed them will be transmitted to the world,so as to promote the comparison and reflection of landmarks in different countries and cities,and push the global cities towards a better future.
Themes of
“2023 RIBA China Landmark 100”
“2023 RIBA中国地标100”的主题
Complexity:it focuses on functional composition and innovation,provides people with a variety of daily use scenarios,and actively promotes urban consumption activities and economic vitality.It is mainly composed of large and super-large urban complexes.
Eco-friendly:it focuses on the sustainable characteristics of buildings,using green building materials and low-carbon energy-saving building forms,can make an important contribution to the city to achieve the goal of carbon neutralization.
Experiential:it focuses on improving consumers'shopping experience,making use of new technologies such as Smart City to improve the quality of shopping space and create innovative physical shopping scenes.It is mainly composed of medium-sized boutique urban complex.
Culture:it integrates the image of urban culture into the design,and forms a modern complex with traditional artistic conception with small volume and small-scale architecture.
Application Period
February 1,2023-October 1,2023.
1.February-July 2023,submission of works and previous promotion activities-Forum.
2.August-September 2023,work review and medium-term promotion activities-Forum.
3.At the end of September 2023,the selection results will be released.
4.October-December 2023,related promotional activities after release-exhibitions and awards
Application Conditions
1.The project meets the above value selection criteria.
2.No less than five RIBA registered architects on the project design team.
3.The project has been completed or is scheduled to be completed within 2023.
4.The applicant may apply individually or on behalf of the consortium.Any participating body of a co-construction project(landlord,design enterprise,material enterprise,technology supplier,operator,etc.)can apply on behalf of themselves or the consortium.
*Please scan the following QR code to apply for RIBA registered architect:
Or contact the following email address:Umi.Lyu riba.org;WShanshan riba.org
或联系以下邮箱:Umi.Lyu riba.org;WShanshan riba.org
Application Method
Please make a min.30-page of project introduction in Chinese and English(PPT).The PPT shall include a background introduction of the project(2-3 pages),an overview of the city and region(2-3 pages),basic information of the project(1-2 pages),design concepts and analysis drawings(8-10 pages),important technical drawings(10 pages or more),economic and technical indicators(1 page),and contributions to the city(2-3 pages).The size of the PPT is A4,the final size should not exceed 30m,and the drawings should be clearly readable.Send PPT to the designated mailbox together with the application form by June 31st:Umi.Lyu riba.org;WShanshan riba.org
请制作至少30页的项目中英文介绍(PPT)。PPT应包含项目的背景介绍(2-3页)、所在城市和区域概况(2-3页)、项目基本信息(1-2页)、设计理念和分析图(8-10页)、重要的技术图纸(10页及以上)、经济技术指标(1页)以及对城市所做的贡献(2-3页)等。PPT尺寸为A4,最终大小不应超过30m,且图纸应当清晰可读。于6月31日前将PPT与申请表一同发送到指定邮箱:Umi.Lyu riba.org;WShanshan riba.org
Review Panel
RIBA International Team
为了链接中国和全球建筑产业,RIBA向中国建筑师引介英国皇家特许建筑师会员RIBA Chartered Architect,是全球公认的最高标准建筑师认证之一。“皇家特许Royal Charter”是一种由英国君主签发的正式文书。拥有RIBA的注册建筑师会员,即拥有资格使用代表着建筑领域一定专业和道德标准的RIBA署名、头衔和徽章。该身份有机会与全球12支建筑师会员机构互认,为中国建筑师的代表们提供了更多在世界舞台展现魅力的机遇。





The Royal Institute of British Architects(RIBA)is an international institute of architects with a long history.Since its inception in 1834,RIBA has been at the forefront of global design excellence.RIBA is committed to promoting the overall progress of architecture and promoting and assisting in the acquisition of all kinds of artistic and scientific knowledge related to the construction industry.Our goal is to serve a global community of some 55000 partner architects in 115 countries and regions to provide better buildings and places,stronger communities and a sustainable environment.To this end,we actively promote the professional development of architects and connect architects worldwide through various work plans to support and inspire our global community.
Over the past few years,RIBA has further reaffirmed its global footprint by opening two international offices,one of which is in Shanghai,China.In a short period of two and a half years,RIBA,together with the Chinese construction industry,has held diversified and wonderful activities to promote exchanges between Chinese architects and the world in forms of lectures,exhibitions and competitions.At the same time,we are also actively promoting the works of Chinese architects overseas,focusing on London,England,and constantly radiating the influence of Chinese architectural power.In 2021,RIBA China Architect 100 selected 100 representative talents in China's construction industry,and attracted more outstanding architects to join the RIBA family.
在过去几年,RIBA通过开设两个国际办事处进一步重申了其全球足迹,其中一个位于中国上海。短短两年半的时间,RIBA携手中国建筑行业举办了多元而精彩的活动,以讲座、展览、竞赛等形式,促进中国建筑师与全球的交流与共享,同时也积极地将中国建筑师的作品推向海外,以英国伦敦为中心不断辐射中国建筑力量的影响力。中国地区的会员网络也在不断壮大,2021年的“RIBA China Architect 100”评选出了中国建筑行业具有代表性的100位佼佼者,也吸引了更多的优秀建筑师加入RIBA的大家庭。
RIBA is amazed at the rapid growth of Chinese cities and the extraordinary boldness shown in the process.Some commercial complexes have not only become iconic landmarks of their home cities,but also an indispensable part of the local lifestyle."2023 RIBA China Landmark 100"aims to explore the personalities of China's contemporary urban commercial complexes through a series of activities to discover Chinese urban landmarks.We will leverage our long-standing global community and network to promote the value of these architectural works,providing different perspectives to different audiences around the world.
RIBA也惊异于中国城市的快速成长,以及在此过程中所呈现的非凡魄力。一些商业综合体不仅成为它们所在城市的标志性建筑,而且成为当地生活方式不可或缺的一部分。“2023 RIBA中国地标100”旨在通过一系列发现中国城市地标的活动,探索中国当代城市商业综合体的个性。我们将利用长期以来的全球社区和网络来推广这些建筑作品的价值,为世界各地的不同观众提供不同的视角。
The 2023 RIBA
China Landmark 100 aims to
“2023 RIBA中国地标100”旨在
1.Comprehensively display a RIBA atlas of Chinese urban landmarks and explore the architect's avant-garde design ideas and practical insights.
Since its inception,RIBA has always paid attention to the cutting-edge development of architecture,constantly tapping the world's outstanding architectural works through exhibitions,competitions and other diversified channels.After entering the 21st century,the global urbanization has been accelerating,and the speed of urbanization in China is tremendous.a variety of eye-catching architectural works have consequently been created,and there is a deep relationship between its design concept and the local characteristics of Chinese cities.As a medium,"2023 RIBA China Landmark 100"will comprehensively create and present our atlas of Chinese landmarks,explore the important role of urban commercial complex in China's urban development,and trigger a variety of possibilities of future cities.Our works and ideas will be promoted globally in the form of exhibitions and reports,serving as a critical part of the export of China's experience.
RIBA自成立以来,始终关注建筑学的前沿发展,通过展览、竞赛等多种渠道,不断挖掘全球卓越建筑作品。进入21世纪后,全球的城市化都在加速,而中国的城市化速度更是令人惊叹。在此过程中诞生了许多引人瞩目的建筑作品,其设计理念与中国城市的本土特征之间存在着深厚的联系。“2023 RIBA中国地标100”将作为一个媒介,全面地梳理和展示中国地标建筑的个性化图谱,探讨城市商业综合体之于中国城市发展的重要作用,并引发未来城市的各种可能性。其作品和思潮将会以展览和报道的形式在全球范围内推广,成为中国经验输出的重要组成部分。
2.Architectural works(conceptual and specific designs)will be permanently collected in the RIBA collection in London.
RIBA has the richest collection of architectural works in the world,treasuring manuscripts,models,tools and letters of architectural masters who have profound influences on history and human society,such as Palladio,Mies van der Rohe,Gropius,etc.,as well as the works of architects who have made great contributions to the development of contemporary architecture,such as Zaha Hadid and Sir David Ajaye.Under the"2023 RIBA China Landmark 100th"project,we will add a medley of contemporary Chinese architectural works to the grand architectural collection of RIBA,share them with people around the world,and inspire global architects to think about the connotation and development of contemporary cities.
RIBA拥有全球最丰富的建筑作品馆藏,珍藏着帕拉蒂奥、密斯凡德罗、格罗皮乌斯等对历史及人类社会有着深刻影响力的建筑大师的手稿、模型、工具、信件等,也记录了扎哈哈迪德夫人、大卫阿贾耶爵士等为当代建筑发展做出了卓绝贡献的建筑师们的作品。我们希望借助“2023 RIBA中国地标100”项目,将丰富的中国当代建筑作品纳入RIBA宏大的建筑馆藏,与世界人民分享,并激励全球建筑师思考当代城市的内涵与发展。
3.Advocate excellent architectural design based on urban context in the global construction industry,and jointly build a future-oriented contemporary urban image.
RIBA has a long tradition of working with a wide range of major global stakeholders in the construction industry.RIBA's global presence supports architects in advocating and participating in international events,further promoting individual and collective design excellence.Through this project,RIBA hopes to comprehensively illustrate the cultural context and underlying spirit of Chinese urban landmarks,form a distinct image of the development of contemporary Chinese cities and buildings,and recognize their continuous contributions to the economic development of Chinese cities.The creation of this heavyweight topic will attract the attention of city managers,developers,design institutions,academic institutions and the general public,foster dialogues among people in different regions,different cultures and different living environments,particularly on how to build a future-oriented city commercial complex and city image.
Action Perspective of
“2023 RIBA China Landmark 100”
“2023 RIBA中国地标100”的行动视角
RIBA has developed a"diversified","sustainable"and"dynamic"perspective for this initiative based on the strategic values of"inclusiveness,ethics,environmental protection and collaboration".Under the guidance of these three perspectives,RIBA carefully interprets the internal character and external performance of each landmark urban commercial complex,and selects 100 representative landmarks with important social,cultural and ecological values.These urban landmarks will be varied and of equal value and significance to daily users.
The First Perspective of RIBA:diversity
Diversification is at the heart of Chinese architectural design practice.In 9.6 million square kilometers of land,there are 691 different cities,each with its own characters.In the system of urban landmarks,there are also diversified characteristics,manifesting the cultural context of the development of Chinese cities.
Diversified architectural functions
Rapid urbanization creates opportunities for the practice of architectural design in China.With the increase of urban functions,the function of urban commercial complex is becoming more and more complex and three-dimensional to facilitate different needs,which is considered as an important component of the city.Their designers also use professional design knowledge to solve complex practical problems more frequently,and form a thread of knowledge system that cannot be ignored.
Diversified spatial experience
The diversification of landmark urban commercial complex is also reflected in the personalized spatial experience,which adds more iconic and visual experience to the area,and provides a variety of urban life scenes for urban residents and visitors.They are intertwined to form a deep and personalized collective memory,which makes the image of the city fuller.
The Second Perspective of RIBA:sustainability
In the 21st century,the world is facing a severe climate crisis.The construction industry,a major energy consuming and carbon emission industry,must consider the sustainability of urban future development and make a positive contribution to the goal of carbon neutralization.As one of the most representative building types with the largest ecological footprint in the city,urban commercial complexes have a great impact on the sustainability of the city,so it is necessary to evaluate and optimize its energy consumption and carbon emissions,so that they can better meet the dual needs of human and urban ecosystem.
Sustainable spatial form
The spatial form of buildings is an important factor affecting urban energy consumption,which affects not only the sustainability of the building itself,but also the sustainability of the whole neighbourhood and even the whole city.Thinking about the sustainability of architecture from the perspective of spatial form is to restore architecture to a state of symbiosis with nature from the Noumenon of architecture,and the city composed of countless single buildings can obtain sustainable ability.
Sustainable building materials
Another factor affecting urban energy consumption is the use of building materials.Traditional building materials are full of environmental pollution from production,transportation to use.The use of sustainable and low-carbon materials in the whole life cycle of the building is of great significance to the sustainable development of the city.
The Third Perspective of RIBA:dynamic
With the process of globalization,cities need to enhance their competitiveness and improve their quality of life to attract creative talents.Commerce embodies the most dominant and intuitive aspect of urban vitality.Traditional commercial facilities have been gradually replaced by a new generation of urban commercial complexes,which contributes to urban economies in a totally different format.They have gradually developed into important places for urban life and consumption,and are known as the"living rooms"of the city.
Dynamic economic pulses
The richness of consumption offerings by urban commercial complexes can attract consumers to patronize the malls again and again.It helps to form a dynamic urban regional vitality centre to cultivate consumers'loyalty to the commercial complexes.Here we are not just referring to retail,but a comprehensive experience of entertainment,shopping,dining,education and other things.
Vibrant cultural images
The development of the city bears the traces of history and culture,which solidify into the imaginary elements and images of the city and architecture,inherit and carry forward the character of the city,gather people's different understandings of history and culture,and translate all kinds of stories that take place in the city in formal language.
Action Vision of
“2023 RIBA China Landmark 100”
“2023 RIBA中国地标100”的行动远景
RIBA will continue to excavate famous works of Chinese contemporary architecture.Interpreting these works from a new perspective is of vital significance to Chinese cities,and the avant-garde ideas of the architects who completed them will be transmitted to the world,so as to promote the comparison and reflection of landmarks in different countries and cities,and push the global cities towards a better future.
Themes of
“2023 RIBA China Landmark 100”
“2023 RIBA中国地标100”的主题
Complexity:it focuses on functional composition and innovation,provides people with a variety of daily use scenarios,and actively promotes urban consumption activities and economic vitality.It is mainly composed of large and super-large urban complexes.
Eco-friendly:it focuses on the sustainable characteristics of buildings,using green building materials and low-carbon energy-saving building forms,can make an important contribution to the city to achieve the goal of carbon neutralization.
Experiential:it focuses on improving consumers'shopping experience,making use of new technologies such as Smart City to improve the quality of shopping space and create innovative physical shopping scenes.It is mainly composed of medium-sized boutique urban complex.
Culture:it integrates the image of urban culture into the design,and forms a modern complex with traditional artistic conception with small volume and small-scale architecture.
Application Period
February 1,2023-October 1,2023.
1.February-July 2023,submission of works and previous promotion activities-Forum.
2.August-September 2023,work review and medium-term promotion activities-Forum.
3.At the end of September 2023,the selection results will be released.
4.October-December 2023,related promotional activities after release-exhibitions and awards
Application Conditions
1.The project meets the above value selection criteria.
2.No less than five RIBA registered architects on the project design team.
3.The project has been completed or is scheduled to be completed within 2023.
4.The applicant may apply individually or on behalf of the consortium.Any participating body of a co-construction project(landlord,design enterprise,material enterprise,technology supplier,operator,etc.)can apply on behalf of themselves or the consortium.
*Please scan the following QR code to apply for RIBA registered architect:
Or contact the following email address:Umi.Lyu riba.org;WShanshan riba.org
或联系以下邮箱:Umi.Lyu riba.org;WShanshan riba.org
Application Method
Please make a min.30-page of project introduction in Chinese and English(PPT).The PPT shall include a background introduction of the project(2-3 pages),an overview of the city and region(2-3 pages),basic information of the project(1-2 pages),design concepts and analysis drawings(8-10 pages),important technical drawings(10 pages or more),economic and technical indicators(1 page),and contributions to the city(2-3 pages).The size of the PPT is A4,the final size should not exceed 30m,and the drawings should be clearly readable.Send PPT to the designated mailbox together with the application form by June 31st:Umi.Lyu riba.org;WShanshan riba.org
请制作至少30页的项目中英文介绍(PPT)。PPT应包含项目的背景介绍(2-3页)、所在城市和区域概况(2-3页)、项目基本信息(1-2页)、设计理念和分析图(8-10页)、重要的技术图纸(10页及以上)、经济技术指标(1页)以及对城市所做的贡献(2-3页)等。PPT尺寸为A4,最终大小不应超过30m,且图纸应当清晰可读。于6月31日前将PPT与申请表一同发送到指定邮箱:Umi.Lyu riba.org;WShanshan riba.org
Review Panel
RIBA International Team
为了链接中国和全球建筑产业,RIBA向中国建筑师引介英国皇家特许建筑师会员RIBA Chartered Architect,是全球公认的最高标准建筑师认证之一。“皇家特许Royal Charter”是一种由英国君主签发的正式文书。拥有RIBA的注册建筑师会员,即拥有资格使用代表着建筑领域一定专业和道德标准的RIBA署名、头衔和徽章。该身份有机会与全球12支建筑师会员机构互认,为中国建筑师的代表们提供了更多在世界舞台展现魅力的机遇。





更新时间:2023-07-17 19:46:36



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