MIA国际创新材料大奖(International Materials Innovation Awards)旨在表彰在全球建材和设计领域内的杰出创新材料及其应用案例,激发材料与设计行业的不断突破与创新,助力新型材料的推广与应用,搭建材料与设计行业的沟通桥梁,推动建材及设计行业的持续交融与发展。
International Materials Innovation Awards(MIA)aims to recognizeoutstanding innovation material and its application cases in the industry ofglobal building material and design,inspire continued breakthroughs andinnovation in material and design industry and facilitate the promotion andapplication of new materials.In additions,the Award is designed to create acommunication bridge between material and design industry and advance thecontinued integration and development of building material and design industry.
A winning project should have the followingcharacteristics:
01.Innovation inmaterials and technology
The technologyinnovation and excellent material properties can contribute to solving thedifficult points and key problems in industry development,receiving the marketrecognition and obtaining good market reputation.
02.Applicationof material innovation
The materialproperties should be fully used and manifested and the design and application of material should be promoted from theinnovation perspective,providing vigorous support for formation of structure,shape,space and other contents involved in design and exhibiting extraordinaryapplication effect.
03.Positivebenefit of material
It should havehigh value in promotion and application and play a positive role in promotingdesign,engineering and building material industry.Besides,it should be ableto promote industry innovation and boost industry confident,with both economicand social benefits.
MIA国际创新材料大奖(International Materials Innovation Awards)由新微设计媒体矩阵、MIA国际创新材料大奖组委会共同发起设立,每年举办一届,欢迎各材料供应商、设计企业和地产开发单位参与申报。
MIA jointly launchedand organized by XW Design Media Matrix and Organizing Committee of MIA is heldevery year.All material suppliers,design enterprises and real estatedevelopers are welcome to submit design works to compete for the award.
MIA国际创新材料大奖(International Materials Innovation Awards)共设置两大申报方向和若干申报小类。
MIA has twoapplication directions and several sub-categories.
Twoapplication directions:
1.Materialapplication work
Project work is taken as theunit for the work application direction of material application to evaluate thecompletion effect of the material in the practical project application.
2.Outstanding materialbrand
Material item is taken as theunit for outstanding material brand to evaluate the technical performance,application effect and market recognition of the material in a comprehensivemanner.
Each applicationdirection includes several sub-categories,as shown below:
Domestic andforeign material suppliers and design enterprises(architecture,landscape,indoors,etc.),real estate developers,etc.
■MIA国际创新材料大奖(International Materials Innovation Awards)奖项共分为材料应用作品和材料杰出品牌两大申报方向,其中「材料应用作品」设置金奖、银奖、优秀奖三个奖项并为获奖作品颁发相应奖杯和奖牌。「材料杰出品牌」不设金奖、银奖、优秀奖,获奖材料单品将获得年度杰出材料品牌奖杯和奖牌。获奖数量根据申报总数按比例设置。
MIA is classifiedinto two directions regarding material application work and outstanding materialbrand.The[material application works]is designed to have Golden Awards,Silver Awards and Excellence Awards,with correspondingtrophies and medals awarded to wining works.[Outstanding material brand]donot include Golden Awards,Silver Awards and Excellence Awards,with trophiesand medals of Annual OutstandingMaterial Brand awarded to wining material item.The number of awards is setin proportion to the total number of applications.
■MIA国际创新材料大奖(International Materials Innovation Awards)评委由国内外知名地产企业和设计企业的设计负责人担任,评选流程分为初评和终评两部分。
The final committee of theMIA is design directors the domestic and foreign well-known real estateenterprises and design enterprises.The selection process is divided into twosteps,that is,preliminary evaluation and final evaluation.
Thepreliminary evaluation will be conducted for all application works to determinethe shortlisted works and send the shortlisted notice in the preliminaryevaluation.The final evaluation will be conducted by the jury of MIA to comprehensivelyselect from the shortlisted works again and finally determine the GoldenAwards,Silver Awards and Excellence Awards of each category.
■MIA国际创新材料大奖(International Materials Innovation Awards)以新微设计媒体矩阵作为平台依托,借力其强大的平台流量资源,赋于MIA国际创新材料大奖在移动互联时代的新势能,并最大限度的为参与申报的项目、获奖作品及材料品牌提供曝光度。
GHDA relies on the media matrix of the XW design as a platform,and by leveraging its strong platform traffic,it gives GHDA new potential energy in the era of mobile internet and provides maximum exposure for participating projects and winning works.
The media matrix of XW design is currently the largest new design media platform in China,with over 2 million follows and over 100,000 hits per day.The media matrix of the XW design focuses on the WeChat public platform,takes root in the design industry,and has been deeply cultivated for over seven years.It has formed seven design public accounts led by XW design.The media matrix of the XW design always takes"creating a better environment"as its core,covering architecture,landscape,interior design,real estate,cultural tourism,courtyard,and other sectors,which is quite influential in the design circle and enjoys good praise and reputation.
ApplicationPeriod:July 2022-April 2023
Selection Time:May 2023-June 2023
Award Time:July 2023-August 2023
Note:The abovetime is a temporary estimate of the award process.The specific time is subjectto the notice of the staff of the GHDA Organizing Committee.
Longpress the QR code below for scanning to get the contact information of the staff for consultation and application.
Consultation phone and WeChat:
Email address:2139096893@qq.com