







更新时间:2020-08-01 20:27:20

美美与共2022国际海报邀请展Harmonious Co-Existence2022 International Poster Invitational Exhibition
● 主办单位中共南通市委宣传部  南通市文学艺术界联合会
● 承办单位中共南通市崇川区委宣传部  南通市美术家协会  南通市崇川区文化和旅游局
● 执行单位南通市美术家协会设计艺委会
● 作品征集对象国内外知名设计师,平面设计师及爱好者、高等院校师生
● 创作主题
美美与共Harmonious Co-Existence
● 作品形式海报
● 作品提交要求静态平面作品:规格100×70cm(竖版),分辨率为200~300dpi。作品存储格式:CMYK模式JPG文件;多媒体动态类作品:规格比例同静态作品,提供便于流媒体展示的GIF与MP4格式。(文件命名格式:作品名称-作者名字-国家-地区)。提供文字介绍:作品名称、设计说明(不超过200字)、个人简介(不超过300字)、电子档照片1张、联系电话、邮箱。作品与报名表以附件形式发送至nt53art@163.com
● 作品截稿时间2022年4月15日
● 展览时间2022年5月
● 展览地点南通五三美术馆
● 每位参展作者均可获赠本次活动的电子档pdf作品集。● 主办方向入展作者颁发证书;凡组织15人以上的院校机构或指导教师有机会获颁优秀指导教师证书。● 部分作品将由主办方制作相关衍生品。
● 所有参展作品内容需要符合主题规定,作品必须是作者本人设计的原创作品,凡有抄袭行为和侵犯著作权、肖像权的作品,主办单位将取消其参展资格,由本人自负法律责任。
● 参展作品需体现“美美与共”主题,要求作品富有美感、内涵和时代感,具有高水平的艺术感染力和视觉冲击力。
● 投稿作品一经投稿,概不退还,请投稿者留有备份。
● 组织方有权将入选作品用于相关宣传、展览、收藏等商业使用的权利。
● 凡投稿者,均视为同意并遵守以上各条规定。
● 主办方组织专门评议,严格把关。
In response to the ideological theme advocated by President Xi Jinping, that "human beings should work together and co-exist in harmony, move forward in the direction of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and jointly create a better future", by using the language of design to spread the ideas of civilisation, it was decided to hold " Harmonious Co-Existence ", 2022 International Poster Invitational Exhibition. 
Harmonious Co-Existence2022 International Poster Invitational Exhibition
● Host Departments:The Propaganda Department of the Nantong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Nantong Literary and Art Circles Federation
● Operating Departments:The Propaganda Department of Chongchuan District Committee of Nantong City, Nantong Artists Association, Culture and Tourism Bureau of Chongchuan District, Nantong City
● Executive Departments:Design Art Committee of Nantong Artists Association
● Objects for collection of works
Domestic and international well-known designers, graphic designers and amateurs, teachers and students of institutions of higher educations.
● Creation theme
Harmonious Co-ExistenceA community with a shared future for mankind is a highly constructive and far-reaching proposition put forward by China to the world. Beauty and commonwealth are the cultural and artistic presentation of a community with a shared future for mankind. Different nationalities in various countries and regions in the world have created colorful civilizations in the long history of thousands of years, and jointly promoted the prosperity and progress of the entire human society. The world is full of vitality due to colorful civilizations, and civilizations share beauty and beauty due to exchanges and mutual learning.
With the theme of "Harmonious Co-Existence", we invite designers and artists from all over the world to showcase open and diverse visual arts and technology applications through creative posters, the international design language and communication carrier.
It is required to express harmonious yet unique creative design concepts. As the result, this event intends to promote the exchange and interaction of domestic and international poster design circles, and present the development ecology and innovative vitality of global poster design in the new era.
● Work Format
● Submission
The required specification is 100×70cm (vertical layout) with a resolution of 200~300dpi. File storage format: CMYK mode, JPG preview format; multimedia dynamic works: the specifications are the same as static works, in GIF or MP4 formats for streaming media display conveniency.(file naming format: name of the work-name of the author-country-region).Provide Word documents: name of the work, design description (200 words maximum), personal introduction (300 words maximum), personal photo, contact number and email address.The works and application form are sent as attachments to nt53art@163.com
Download links of application form:      
● Submission Deadline
April 15, 2022
       Exhibition Date and Location      
Date: May 2022
Location: Five-Three Art Museum, Nantong, Jiangsu, China
      Scale of the Exhibition      
About 300 posters will be exhibited in this exhibition.
● Each participating author can receive an electronic pdf format portfolio of this event.
● The organiser will issue certificates to the exhibiting authors; institutions or instructors who organise more than 15 people will have the opportunity to be awarded with excellent instructor certificates.
● Selected works will be produced to related derivative works by the organiser.
       Submission Requirements      
● The content of all exhibits must comply with the theme regulations, and the works must be original works designed by the author oneself. Any works that are plagiarized and infringed on copyright or portrait rights will be disqualified by the organiser, and the applicant will be held legally responsibilities.
● Exhibited works should reflect the theme of "Harmonious Co-Existence", and the works should be aesthetic, connotative and up-to-date, furthermore, with a high level of artistic appeal and visual impact.
● Once the works are submitted, they will not be returned. Contributors are requested to keep a backup copy.
● The organiser has the right to use the selected works for related publicity, exhibition, collection and other commercial use.
● All contributors are deemed to agree and abide by the above regulations.
● The organiser will organise professional reviews and rigorous examinations.





美美与共2022国际海报邀请展Harmonious Co-Existence2022 International Poster Invitational Exhibition
● 主办单位中共南通市委宣传部  南通市文学艺术界联合会
● 承办单位中共南通市崇川区委宣传部  南通市美术家协会  南通市崇川区文化和旅游局
● 执行单位南通市美术家协会设计艺委会
● 作品征集对象国内外知名设计师,平面设计师及爱好者、高等院校师生
● 创作主题
美美与共Harmonious Co-Existence
● 作品形式海报
● 作品提交要求静态平面作品:规格100×70cm(竖版),分辨率为200~300dpi。作品存储格式:CMYK模式JPG文件;多媒体动态类作品:规格比例同静态作品,提供便于流媒体展示的GIF与MP4格式。(文件命名格式:作品名称-作者名字-国家-地区)。提供文字介绍:作品名称、设计说明(不超过200字)、个人简介(不超过300字)、电子档照片1张、联系电话、邮箱。作品与报名表以附件形式发送至nt53art@163.com
● 作品截稿时间2022年4月15日
● 展览时间2022年5月
● 展览地点南通五三美术馆
● 每位参展作者均可获赠本次活动的电子档pdf作品集。● 主办方向入展作者颁发证书;凡组织15人以上的院校机构或指导教师有机会获颁优秀指导教师证书。● 部分作品将由主办方制作相关衍生品。
● 所有参展作品内容需要符合主题规定,作品必须是作者本人设计的原创作品,凡有抄袭行为和侵犯著作权、肖像权的作品,主办单位将取消其参展资格,由本人自负法律责任。
● 参展作品需体现“美美与共”主题,要求作品富有美感、内涵和时代感,具有高水平的艺术感染力和视觉冲击力。
● 投稿作品一经投稿,概不退还,请投稿者留有备份。
● 组织方有权将入选作品用于相关宣传、展览、收藏等商业使用的权利。
● 凡投稿者,均视为同意并遵守以上各条规定。
● 主办方组织专门评议,严格把关。
In response to the ideological theme advocated by President Xi Jinping, that "human beings should work together and co-exist in harmony, move forward in the direction of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and jointly create a better future", by using the language of design to spread the ideas of civilisation, it was decided to hold " Harmonious Co-Existence ", 2022 International Poster Invitational Exhibition. 
Harmonious Co-Existence2022 International Poster Invitational Exhibition
● Host Departments:The Propaganda Department of the Nantong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Nantong Literary and Art Circles Federation
● Operating Departments:The Propaganda Department of Chongchuan District Committee of Nantong City, Nantong Artists Association, Culture and Tourism Bureau of Chongchuan District, Nantong City
● Executive Departments:Design Art Committee of Nantong Artists Association
● Objects for collection of works
Domestic and international well-known designers, graphic designers and amateurs, teachers and students of institutions of higher educations.
● Creation theme
Harmonious Co-ExistenceA community with a shared future for mankind is a highly constructive and far-reaching proposition put forward by China to the world. Beauty and commonwealth are the cultural and artistic presentation of a community with a shared future for mankind. Different nationalities in various countries and regions in the world have created colorful civilizations in the long history of thousands of years, and jointly promoted the prosperity and progress of the entire human society. The world is full of vitality due to colorful civilizations, and civilizations share beauty and beauty due to exchanges and mutual learning.
With the theme of "Harmonious Co-Existence", we invite designers and artists from all over the world to showcase open and diverse visual arts and technology applications through creative posters, the international design language and communication carrier.
It is required to express harmonious yet unique creative design concepts. As the result, this event intends to promote the exchange and interaction of domestic and international poster design circles, and present the development ecology and innovative vitality of global poster design in the new era.
● Work Format
● Submission
The required specification is 100×70cm (vertical layout) with a resolution of 200~300dpi. File storage format: CMYK mode, JPG preview format; multimedia dynamic works: the specifications are the same as static works, in GIF or MP4 formats for streaming media display conveniency.(file naming format: name of the work-name of the author-country-region).Provide Word documents: name of the work, design description (200 words maximum), personal introduction (300 words maximum), personal photo, contact number and email address.The works and application form are sent as attachments to nt53art@163.com
Download links of application form:      
● Submission Deadline
April 15, 2022
       Exhibition Date and Location      
Date: May 2022
Location: Five-Three Art Museum, Nantong, Jiangsu, China
      Scale of the Exhibition      
About 300 posters will be exhibited in this exhibition.
● Each participating author can receive an electronic pdf format portfolio of this event.
● The organiser will issue certificates to the exhibiting authors; institutions or instructors who organise more than 15 people will have the opportunity to be awarded with excellent instructor certificates.
● Selected works will be produced to related derivative works by the organiser.
       Submission Requirements      
● The content of all exhibits must comply with the theme regulations, and the works must be original works designed by the author oneself. Any works that are plagiarized and infringed on copyright or portrait rights will be disqualified by the organiser, and the applicant will be held legally responsibilities.
● Exhibited works should reflect the theme of "Harmonious Co-Existence", and the works should be aesthetic, connotative and up-to-date, furthermore, with a high level of artistic appeal and visual impact.
● Once the works are submitted, they will not be returned. Contributors are requested to keep a backup copy.
● The organiser has the right to use the selected works for related publicity, exhibition, collection and other commercial use.
● All contributors are deemed to agree and abide by the above regulations.
● The organiser will organise professional reviews and rigorous examinations.





更新时间:2020-08-01 20:27:20



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