遇到美景和故事,总想拍下来? 想让你的视频被更多人看到? 现在,机会来了! 我们豪掷百万稿酬 只为挖掘善于抓住拍摄灵感 能用视频记录与讲故事的你! Always want to capture beautiful scenery and stories?Want your videos to be seen by more people?Now,the opportunity has arrived!We are generously offering a million yuan in compensation to discover those skilled at capturing inspiration and telling stories through videos. 四川国际传播中心 只要你是热爱生活的记录者,无论你在世界何地,不管你是摄影爱好者,还是美食博主、旅行策划官……我们照单全收,统统拿下! On April 28th,the Sichuan International Communication Center,in collaboration with Chuanguan News and Cover News,officially launched the"Inspiration"global photographer program,issuing a global call for photographers from all over the world.Anyone can join us.We're seeking"Inspiration Global Partners".Whether you are a photography enthusiast,a food blogger,a travel planner...we welcome all submissions! 就现在,请你拿起镜头定格每一瞬灵感!投稿一经采纳,将被发布在“灵感中国”全球矩阵平台,你也将获得丰厚的稿酬,单期最高3000元,第一季拍客征集发满100万元为止。 So,pick up your camera now and capture every moment of inspiration!Once your submission is accepted,it will be published on the"Inspiration"global platform,and generous compensation will be provided,up to 3000 yuan for a single submission,until the first season of photographer recruitment reaches one million. 截至目前 全球拍客传来的视频 Video Requirements ①每段视频素材时长不少于3分钟。 ②拍客投稿以原创视频为主,内容主题包括但不限于美食、美景、旅游、人文历史、现代艺术、中医药等,以寻找世界的“灵感”为线索,沉浸式探索和记录身边的点点滴滴。 ③体裁可为vlog、city walk、微纪录片、reaction等,可参考油管视频、bilibili视频。 ④投稿视频素材清晰度不低于1080P;画面拍摄比例为16:9;画面干净规范、构图优美,不出现偏色、曝光过度或过暗、晃动太大、构图失当等情况;拍客可对作品做亮度、对比度或色彩饱和度调整,但不得做合成、添加或大幅度改变色彩等处理;如有同期声,需声音清晰且与画面内容相符。 ⑤外语优先,中文视频与无语言视频同步接收。 1.Each video segment should not be less than 3 minutes. 2.Original content is preferred,including but not limited to themes such as food,scenery,travel,humanities,history,modern art,traditional Chinese medicine,etc.,focusing on discovering the"inspiration"of the world and immersively exploring and documenting everyday life. 3.Formats can include vlogs,city walks,micro-documentaries,reactions,etc.,with reference to YouTube and Bilibili videos. 4.Video submissions should have a minimum resolution of 1080P;aspect ratio of 16:9;clean and well-composed shots without color bias,excessive exposure or darkness,excessive shaking,or poor composition.Adjustments to brightness,contrast,or color saturation are allowed,but no synthesis,addition,or major color changes are permitted.If there is synchronous sound,it should be clear and consistent with the video content. 5.Priority is given to videos in foreign languages,but Chinese and non-verbal videos are also accepted. 参考视频案例: 报名及投稿邮箱 Submission@Details ①报名“灵感中国”全球拍客,请在标题栏填写:#IGFP#(Inspiration Global Freelance Photographer)+申请者姓名;在正文中附上个人简介以及作品样品。 ②拍客上传投稿时,请在标题栏填写:#Inspiration#+所投稿标题;在摘要栏详细说明投稿内容(100字以内),包括但不限于时间、地点、事件、人物等信息;提交作品为原视频,无水印无logo。 邮箱:SICCChinaofficial@gmail.com 1.To apply as an"Inspiration Global Freelance Photographer",use the hashtag#IGFP#in the subject line along with your name,and include a self-introduction and sample works in the body. 2.For video submissions,use the hashtag#Inspiration#in the subject line along with the title of the submission.Provide a brief description(within 100 characters)in the abstract,including time,location,events,characters,etc.Submit the original video without watermarks or logos. Email:SICCChinaofficial gmail.com 征集奖金说明 Compensation 拍客投稿视频一经四川国际传播中心“灵感中国”栏目选用发布后,该视频拍摄者将根据素材质量获得相应稿酬,每期300-3000元(奖金均为税前金额,实际发放时主办方将代缴税费)。 Upon selection and publication of videos by Sichuan International Communication Center,photographers will receive corresponding compensation based on the quality of the material,ranging from 300 to 3000 yuan per period.Taxes will be deducted by the organizer before payment. 注意事项 Notes ①拍客投稿作品经四川国际传播中心评审并发布后,优秀投稿将获得“灵感中国”全球拍客奖金,同时将发布至四川国际传播中心“灵感中国”全球矩阵平台、川观新闻、封面新闻以及线下展示平台等。 ②投稿者应保证其为所投送视频内容的作者,并对该视频内容拥有独立、完整、明确、无争议的著作权、肖像权;投稿者还应保证其所投送的视频内容不侵犯第三者的包括著作权、肖像权、名誉权、隐私等在内的合法权益。 ③拍客投稿作品一经采纳将在四川国际传播中心、川观拍客、青蕉拍客相关主题内呈现,拍客提交的所有素材,一经四川国际传播中心“灵感中国”栏目使用或四川国际传播中心“灵感中国”栏目明确表示接受该素材的,这表明拍客本人授予四川国际传播中心“灵感中国”栏目及关联方免费、非独家、可再许可的权利。(包括但不限于复制权、汇编权、信息网络传播权、改编权及制作衍生品、表演和展示的权利等)。 ④活动最终解释权归主办方所有。 1.Excellent submissions selected by the Sichuan International Communication Center will receive the"Inspiration"global photographer bonus and will be published on various platforms including the Sichuan International Communication Center,Sichuan Observer News,Cover News,and offline exhibition platforms. 2.Contributors must ensure they are the authors of the submitted video content and have independent,complete,clear,and undisputed copyright and portrait rights to the content.Contributors must also ensure that the submitted video content does not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of third parties,including but not limited to copyright,portrait rights,reputation rights,and privacy. 3.Accepted submissions will be presented within the related themes of the Sichuan International Communication Center,Sichuan Observer News,and Cover News.By submitting materials,photographers grant the Sichuan International Communication Center and its affiliates free,non-exclusive,and re-licensable rights(including but not limited to reproduction rights,compilation rights,information network dissemination rights,adaptation rights,and rights to create derivative works,perform,and display). 4.The organizer reserves the right of final interpretation of the program.https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/NQ3FFkKrY9J1yBWwn7bBIg